Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few common questions about the TCC® protocol that you may find helpful.

You are contributing to learning about patients just like you and helping to change the course of cancer care for patients across the United States. Your health information helps improve cancer treatments for future generations, while also enabling researchers to potentially match patients participating in TCC® to targeted clinical trials at the right time.

Each ORIEN® Member cancer center has an individualized TCC® consent protocol that explains how your health information will be used to conduct future cancer research. Contact your ORIEN® member cancer center team for more information.

You can sign up through a doctor who works with an ORIEN® member cancer center. If you are interested in TCC®, ask your doctor to enroll you or, if they are not an ORIEN® member, to refer you somewhere that is. Find the closest ORIEN® TCC® member cancer center site to you here.

Yes. Participation is voluntary and you can unenroll from TCC® at any time without changing your care in any way. Simply contact your ORIEN® member cancer center team and ask to be removed from TCC® - no questions asked. *Note - research using your data will retain that information in report summary format.

Your privacy is a top priority for ORIEN®, and member cancer centers follow strict federal rules for healthcare privacy and data security. Contact your ORIEN® member cancer center team for more information.

Find the closest ORIEN® TCC® member cancer center site to you here. ORIEN® will continue to grow and add new members, so check back for updates if there isn't a center near you currently.

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