Your Samples Could Saves Lives

Become an active participant in beating cancer. By consenting to Total Cancer Care® (TCC) and providing samples, you give researchers the data they need to unlock insights and open the door to better cancer treatments.

Experience the Power of Partnership

Collaboration is at the core of the TCC® network. By combining patient health information into one searchable data system, TCC® helps doctors uncover trends between patients with similar conditions, allowing for more informed decision making. As the database grows, researchers can use the data to develop more targeted treatment options for patients.

To protect patients' privacy and security, all information is collected in a safe and consistent process across all member cancer centers.

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We collect…

Clinical data including the patient's age, weight, ethnicity, medicines, and other medical conditions, which is vital to developing targeted treatments.

Molecular data includes information from tissue, blood, and urine. This allows researchers to find DNA changes (called gene mutations) associated with cancer.

This data cannot be used to identify a patient.


How You Help TCC® Advance Cancer Treatments

With your consent, doctors collect information including records, results, and samples during your regular doctors visit.

TCC® adds your information to the database so researchers can uncover trends, gain new insights, and direct future research.

As TCC® grows, doctors and researchers can learn from patients, identify better treatments, and ultimately provide better care.

Collaboration between patients, researchers, and doctors allows for the development of better treatments. Your participation helps build the database researchers use to advance cancer cures.


Sharing Your Data Through TCC® is Convenient, Voluntary, and Secure.

No extra doctor visits or procedures
All information and samples for TCC® will be collected during your normal doctor’s visits.

Voluntary every step of the way
You’re in control and can stop participation at any point. Leaving TCC® won’t impact your care in any way.

Your data security and privacy are top priority
All your personal identifying information is removed before data is shared. This protects your privacy while still helping researchers learn from your health information.

Interested in learning how our ORIEN® members have used the Total Cancer Care® data?